left: sesame oil with salt - right: stuff that the waiter described as "eh, sauce, eh, bulgogi sauce" and which was fantastic stuff!
3 tablespoons Soy sauce
2 teaspoons Sesame oil
1 teaspoon Chinese bean paste, optional
2 tablespoons Water
2 tablespoons Rice wine or dry sherry
1 teaspoon Toasted, ground sesame seeds
2 teaspoons Finely chopped spring onion
1 teaspoon Chili sauce, optional
2 teaspoons Sugar
1 Small clove garlic, crushed
Salt to taste
Put soy sauce and sesame oil in a small bowl and stir in Chinese bean paste, water, rice wine, ground sesame seeds, spring onion and chili sauce.
Crush garlic with salt and sugar to fine paste.
Stir in, mix well and serve in small individual sauce dishes.