
Fresh Tuna, scented with bay leaves and drizzled with olive oil

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2 10 ounce thick tuna steaks
12 artichoke hearts in olive oil
2 lemons
12 bay leaves
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Trim the tuna steaks of all blood lines and cut into 24 small cubes, each measuring about 1 inch. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. If the artichoke hearts are on the large side, cut them in half. Reserve he oil they are in.

Thread tuna and artichoke hearts onto eight bamboo skewers, separating them occasionally with the bay leaves. (Make sure you pierce the tuna against the grain, so  that it doesn't flake off the skewer.) Cut the lemon into eight wedges and attach a wedge to the end of each skewer, set the remaining wedges aside.

Brush the tuna, artichoke hearts and lemon wedges with some of the oil from the artichoke hearts, or extra olive oil. Heat a large nonstick frying pan, nd fry the tuna skewers for 2 minutes on each side, until the fish is slightly crusty but still pink inside.

Brush the extra lemon wedges with oil and quickly fry. Serve tuna sticks with fried lemon wedges and drizzle with a little extra olive oil.

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