
Brown cookies

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Brown cookies

(Brune kager)

These make a good start to the Christmas recipes, because the dough has to be left for at least 14 days before baking.


1 lb (450 g) treacle, dark syrup

9 oz (250 g) butter

9 oz (250 g) brown sugar

1 oz bitter orange peel

1 tablesp. cinnamon

1 tablesp. ground cloves

½ teasp. cardamom

1 teasp. baking powder

2 tablesp. rosewater

2 lb (1 kg) flour



Warm the syrup in a saucepan, add the butter, orange peel, spices and sugar. Stir in the baking powder, dissolved in the rosewater.

Gradually add the flour, kneading thoroughly after each addition.

Turn into a bowl, cover with a cloth and keep cold.


Before baking, roll out thinly and cut into rounds.

Place well apart on a greased baking-sheet, brush with water and decorate with sliced almonds.

Bake for 8-10 min. at 400°F (200°C).


According to custom, the whole family should taste the dough the day it is made in order to bring good luck.

At the same time each member should make a wish - and keep it secret, or it will not come true.

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