(Stegt hornfisk med persille)
Another May speciality is hornfish. This may be prepared in many different ways. It may, for example, be jellied as for Jellied lumpfish, but since it has own jellifying properties it needs less gelatine than in the recipe for lumpfish.
Here is another very simple Spring-like recipe:
3 lb (1 ½ kg) hornfish
Ground white pepper
3-4 oz (100 g) butter
2 lemons
2 lb (1 kg) small potatoes
cucumber salad
Clean the fish, cut off the fins and remove the bones.
Rinse and pat dry with kitehen paper and cut into 3-4 inch (8-10 cm) pieces. Roll each piece around a sprig of parsley, fastening with a skewer, and turn in seasoned flour.
Fry the fish in browned butter for 3-4 min. on each side until white and firm.
Serve with small potatoes - cooked in their skins, peeled and sprinkled with parsley - browned butter, lemon boats and cucumber salad made with lemon juice.