This is one of the hot lunch dishes often served with the Danish Cold Table, but it can equally well be served for dinner.
2 lb (1 kg) minced beef
2 tablesp. cream
4 large or 6 medium onions
About 3 oz (75 g) butter
Salt and ground black pepper
8-10 eggs
About ¼ pint (1-1 ½ dl) bouillon
Knead the meat together with the cream and divide into suitable portions, forming them into flat, oval or round patties.
Peel the onions, chop finely and fry in one third of the butter until golden brown.
Add a little of the bouillon to keep them soft, turn into an oven-proof dish and keep hot.
Boil out the pan and dry with paper.
Season the beefsteaks with salt and pepper and fry in half the remaining butter for 4 min. on each side.
They should remain pink inside.
Serve in an oven-proof dish.
Boil up the onion with a little more bouillon and distribute over the meat.
Fry the eggs in the rest of the butter and place one on each steak.
Use the remainder of the bouillon to boil out the pan, and pour the gravy into the dish with the meat.
Serve with rye-bread or it can equally well be served for dinner: