Here is another tasty and substantial dish, which is also economical.
2 ox-tails
5-6 oz (150 g) butter
4 shallots
1 onion
3 leeks
3 carrots
1 tin tomatoes
Salt and black pepper
Divide the ox-tails at the joints, cutting away superfluous fat.
Slice the vegetables finely (except the tomatoes) and cook slowly in half the butter in a casserole until the onions are transparent.
Coat the meat in seasoned flour, brown in the remainder of the butter in a frying-pan and add to the casserole with the vegetables.
Boil out the frying-pan with a little water and pour the gravy into the casserole.
Break up the tomatoes and add together with the juice, adding sufficient water to cover the meat.
Simmer under a tightly-fitting lid for about 2 hours, or until the meat literally falIs off the bones.
Serve with mashed potato.