(Marinerede sild)
4 salted herring fillets
¾ pint (4 dl) vinegar
3-4 tablesp. water
About 4 oz (100-125 g) sugar
1 ½ tablesp. whole allspice
1 tablesp. Colman's mustard
Small piece of horseradish
1 small carrot, finely sliced
3 pieces whole ginger
1-3 bay leaves
2 teasp. white peppercorns
2-3 red onions or dill
Soak the herrings in water or milk for 8-10 hours, or until as salty as desired.
Boil up the remaining ingredients (excepting the onion or dilI) in the water and vinegar and cool.
Cut the herring filIets slantwise into about 1 inch (2 cm) pieces and cover with the cold liquid.
Leave for 18-24 hours.
Decorate with finely sliced onion rings or chopped dill before serving.