Possibly the most popular and well-known Danish sweet of all, this makes use of all the fruits in season right from the end of July until the end of August.
1 lb (500 g) redcurrants
½ lb (250 g) cherries or raspberries
½ lb (250 g) blackcurrants
5-6 tablesp. sugar
About 1 ½ pint (¾ l) water
2 ½-3 tablesp. cornflour per 1 pint liquid (2 ½-3 tablesp. per ¾ l.
Wash the berries (there is no need to remove the stalks).
Place in layers in an enamel saucepan, adding just enough water to cover. Bring slowly to the boil and simmer until the fruit has all broken up and the juice is dark red in colour.
Sieve the juice through a clean, scalded piece of linen or cheese-cloth, pressing as much juice out of the berries as possible.
Measure the juice, boil up and thicken with the required amount of cornflour dissolved in a little cold water.
Pour into a bowl, sprinkle with sugar to prevent a skin forming and serve cold with milk or cream.