
Roast goose

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Roast goose

(Stegt gås) - Many Danish homes celebrate Martinmas Eve (on the tenth of November) with the traditional roast goose.


1 goose (about 12-13 lb or 5 ½-6 kg)

Salt and ground black pepper

1 lb (½ kg) sour apples

½ lb (¼ kg) stoneless prunes

¼-½ pint (2 ½ dl) stock

1 glass red wine

Soy Sauce

3-4 tablesp. cream

Cornflour for thickening


Dry the prepared goose carefully inside with kitchen paper and rub with salt and pepper.

Peel and quarter the apples, removing the core.

Scald the prunes in boiling water and stuff the goose with the apples and prunes.

Rub the outside with kitchen salt.

Put the goose on a grid in a roasting-pan with the breast uppermost and place in a cold oven set at 220°F (160°C) and roast for 45 minutes.

Pour in a little cold water and roast the goose for 3 ½-4 hours ac­cording to size and age, taking care not to let the water dry up.

When the legs are tender the goose is cooked.


Pour the gravy from the pan and replace the goose in the oven.

Pour 2 tablesp. cold water over the breast and increase the heat to 480°F  (250°C), leaving the oven door ajar.

Skin the fat off the gravy and set aside for goose dripping.

Boil up the gravy with the stock and red wine, season plentifully with salt, pepper and soy sauce and add cream to taste.

Serve with boiled potatoes, browned in sugar, white potatoes, sweet pickles and Danish red cabbage.

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