
Shrovetide buns

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Shrovetide buns

Finally, these delicious Shrovetide buns, though difficult to knead, are well worth the effort.


4 ½ oz (125 g) butter

9 oz (250 g) flour

1 rounded tablesp. (35 g) sugar

½ teasp. salt

1 oz (25 g) yeast

3-4 tablesp. (1 dl) milk

2 small eggs

1 oz (30 g) raisins

1 oz (30 g) mixed peel


Rub the butter into the flour, add the salt and sugar.

Dissolve the yeast in the luke-warm milk, then beat the eggs and stir into the flour together with the milk and yeast.

Mix well with a spoon.

Knead the dough until smooth and shiny, adding the raisins and the chopped mixed peel.

Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for about 45 minutes.

Divide the dough into 10 portions and form these into buns.

Place these an a greased baking-sheet and leave to rise for 15-20 min.

Brush with beaten egg and bake at 480°C (250°C) for about ½ hour.

The buns may be eaten whole, or halved and but­tered.


Or with whipped cream fill and decorated

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