
Roast hare

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Roast hare

(Stegt hare) 

1 large hare

About ½ pint (3 dl) stock

About 2 oz (50 g) butter

Salt and ground black pepper


8-10 rashers fat fresh bacon

¾ pint (4-5 dl) cream

Soy Sauce


Examine the prepared hare carefully, removing any sinews.

Cut off the front legs, tying the back legs to the body.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper and a little sage, rub with butter and cover with the bacon rashers, securing with string.

Roast on a grid in a roasting-pan at about 440°F (225°C) for 15-20 min. until brown.

Pour in the boiling stock until it almost reaches the grid.

Roast for about 30-40 min. at about 350°F (180°C) until done (when the legs are tender the hare is cooked).

The front legs may also be cooked during the second stage of the roasting - they then become tender with­out drying up.

Boil up the gravy from the pan with the cream, seasoning with salt, pepper, a little sage and soy sauce.

Serve with small potatoes (boiled in their skins, peeled and browned in butter), rowan jelly and water­cress.

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